Cleaning & Disinfecting

01/21/21 By Dana Szymkowiak
Are You Actually Killing Germs; Part 1
Almost every environment on the planet contains bacteria and microorganisms. Some are harmless, but disease-causing organisms, called pathogens, can be dangerous or deadly. One of the most important steps in reducing the spread of infectious…
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11/12/20 By Dana Szymkowiak
Misconceptions about disinfection
There is a ton of information swirling around about cleaning and disinfection best practices amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It’s enough to make you dizzy! Furthermore, it’s likely the surfaces in your home or facility…
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09/24/20 By Dana Szymkowiak
Choosing the right disinfectant
Disinfectant is having its moment in the spotlight, due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic. Maintaining a clean facility and home is now essential. With the increased emphasis on disinfected surfaces comes increased misinformation and…
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08/13/20 By Dana Szymkowiak
The new standard in cleanliness
The rapid growth of COVID-19 from an outbreak to a global pandemic showed how quickly a virus could spread. While we’ve since learned that COVID-19 is transferred mostly through person-to-person transmission, other underlying causes have…
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06/04/20 By Dana Szymkowiak
Prepare for additional waves of COVID-19
As summer approaches and most cities begin to reopen businesses, there is a shift in our collective spirits. While we are hoping to be on the other side of the Coronavirus pandemic, we need to…
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05/07/20 By Dana Szymkowiak
Bloodborne Pathogens: The hidden hazards in non-healthcare settings
It’s easy enough to determine the potential exposure in a healthcare or laboratory setting. While it’s unlikely that exposure to blood occurs regularly in a non-healthcare setting, there is still a potential for occupational exposure…
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04/30/20 By Dana Szymkowiak
COVID-19 Cleaning: Do’s and Don’ts of Surface Disinfecting
As we continue to face the global Coronavirus pandemic, we find ourselves taking the task of cleaning and disinfecting to new heights. With good reason, COVID-19 is transmissible through touching infected surfaces in addition to…
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04/15/20 By Dana Szymkowiak
How to make your office safer during and after COVID-19
As the ultimate champions of a safe and healthy workplace, Safetec wants to help everyone stay healthy in the office. Whether you are currently in an office environment or preparing to reopen, let’s cover the…
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10/16/19 By Safetec
SaniZide Pro 1 For Dental Use
In many aspects, the dental world is very similar to a hospital environment. With the high turnover rate of patients, it is imperative to make sure your facility is free from the harmful microorganisms that…
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10/09/19 By Safetec
SaniZide Pro 1 – For Restaurants and JanSan Environments
When you visit a restaurant, gym, grocery store, school, or another JanSan facility, one of the first things most people notice is the cleanliness of the facility. A dirty restaurant, for example, can cause customers to walk…
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10/02/19 By Safetec
SaniZide Pro 1 Disinfectant Spray
Disinfecting is a significant part of maintaining a business in the healthcare, JanSan, food-service, or veterinary industry. Companies must understand the disinfecting options widely available on the market. Disinfectant products come in a variety of…
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