Airline & Cruise Industry

07/25/18 By Lindsey McCarthy
What Is The CDC’s Vessel Sanitation Program?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has the Vessel Sanitation Program (VSP) to assist the cruise ship industry to prevent and control the introduction, transmission, and spread of gastrointestinal (GI) illnesses on cruise…
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07/18/18 By Lindsey McCarthy
What Is The Outbreak Prevention Plan On A Cruise Ship?
Being on an enclosed ship, outbreaks of illnesses are a huge concern. Royal Caribbean Cruise’s have an Outbreak Prevention Plan (OPP). This plan is their guide for preventing and responding to an outbreak of illness…
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07/11/18 By Lindsey McCarthy
Food, Water and Safety Are All Taken Seriously By The Cruising Industry
Ever wonder what cruise ships do to abide by safety regulations and what these safety regulations entail? Right on Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD website states precisely what they do to make sure you have the…
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06/27/18 By Lindsey McCarthy
Aircraft Accident Sites & Hazards (Part 3)
When we don’t have the proper training for the situations we come across, which is when we are in the most danger. Training teaches us what to look for, how to dress, and how to…
Continue Reading 06/20/18 By Lindsey McCarthy
Aircraft Accident Sites & Hazards (Part 2)
Everyone knows the dangers of electrocution, but the dangers of noise are not as widely known. There are certain precautions to take for each situation on the aircraft accident site.
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06/13/18 By Lindsey McCarthy
What Is The FAA’s Control Program for Bloodborne Pathogens? (Part 2)
Coming into contact with blood can be very dangerous. You never fully know if there are bloodborne pathogens or other potentially infectious material within the blood that you come into contact with. The Federal Aviation…
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06/06/18 By Lindsey McCarthy
Aircraft Accident Sites & Hazards (Part 1)
Aircraft accident sites create a lot of hazards, no matter the size of the accident. It is essential to know what dangers you may come across and exactly how to handle each situation.
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05/30/18 By Lindsey McCarthy
What Is The FAA’s Control Program for Bloodborne Pathogens? (Part 1)
Safetec of America, Inc. wants to make sure you and your employees are protected in the event of exposure to bloodborne pathogens and other potentially infectious material. Below are the requirements from the Federal Aviation Administration…
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