First Aid

11/12/18 By Safetec

First Aid in Schools

I’m sure you’ve experienced at some point, a fall in gym class resulting in a cut and a swift visit to the school nurse. Schools see numerous types of accidents on a daily basis. Some…
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04/11/18 By Lindsey McCarthy

Keep First Aid In Mind – During Springtime

We all have heard the saying “April showers bring May flowers” but what else can springtime bring? For those of us that live in the north, we are dying to get out of the house…
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01/03/18 By Jordan Weinstein

Should I use Soap and Water or Hydrogen Peroxide to Clean a Minor Wound?

No matter the field that someone works in, it is prevalent for people to acquire some cuts or bruises throughout the day. These minor injuries could be just getting a paper cut on your hand…
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12/21/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

8 Of The Most Common First Aid Injuries

First aid is required in many ways, shapes and forms. It is always a good idea to have basic first aid skills just in case you need it yourself, or someone needs it around you.…
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06/15/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

Summertime First Aid & Skin Care Essentials

All across the US, the warmer weather is beginning to arrive. With the joy that warm weather brings, we would hate to see you get burned.
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05/18/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

Who Should Have ANSI First Aid Kits?

When a facility lacks first aid supplies, it puts employees at severe risk. First aid is designed to give immediate care to those with a nonfatal injury. 
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11/15/16 By Dana Szymkowiak

Are You Compliant With ANSI / ISEA Z308.1- 2015 Standard?

Look around your company and think about all of the standards that you have in place for your employees safety. Is that equipment expired? Are your kits half empty? Do you not have any kits…
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10/27/16 By Dana Szymkowiak

U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day 2016

World Standards Day 2016: “Standards Build Trust” Reliability and trust are fundamental components of any process, business, or service. Behind the scenes, standards and conformity assessment ensure this reliability and trust. In short, standards make…
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10/07/16 By Dana Szymkowiak

For Cuts, Scrapes or Burns Use Antibiotic Ointments

When you go through the cabinets at work with all of the first aid items, and you are either looking for something to help relieve pain – or taking stock of inventory, it is sometimes…
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08/15/16 By Dana Szymkowiak

Burn Treatment Guide

A burn can happen nearly anywhere. If you are laying out in the sun around the pool, cooking at the stove or grill, or changing a lightbulb in the bedroom. Here is our quick guide…
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