Keep First Aid In Mind – During Springtime
We all have heard the saying “April showers bring May flowers” but what else can springtime bring? For those of us that live in the north, we are dying to get out of the house by the time March and April come around. Often, we don’t think twice about the possible injuries that can happen just from walking out your front door.
Doctors seem to always be on our case about getting enough exercise. What time is better than spring to do what the doctor says? Get out of the house and go for that jog or walk you have been looking forward to doing since the first snowfall in December. But don’t forget the hazards of doing so. There may be lots of loose gravel or potholes you could trip on if you aren’t paying attention. Those scrapes and cuts can become very dangerous if not taken care of very well. This could happen during any activity while you are outside, including hiking and bicycling.
Springtime is also when we start to clean up our yards. Picking up the branches that fell, planting new flowers, and trimming the hedges are just a few tasks most of us tackle. If we aren’t careful enough, it is effortless to cut ourselves on the gardening tools or the hedge trimmers. Some injuring can take us to the emergency room. If that isn’t necessary, Safetec can help you.
Not only are scrapes and cuts possible, but so are stings and sunburns from being outside. Safetec of America, Inc. manufactures first aid products to help heal those minor injuries such as hydrogen peroxide spray, itch relief spray, antibiotic ointments, and many more! If you would like to be prepared when the injury occurs, Safetec also has an Outdoor Kit that contains most of everything you would need on the spot. This kit is small enough to fit in any size bag you may choose to bring with you on your adventure. Enjoy the weather and stay safe!