Summertime First Aid & Skin Care Essentials
All across the US, the warmer weather is beginning to arrive. With the joy that warm weather brings, we would hate to see you get burned.
So, what are the essentials that every office, construction site, or hospital should have on hand and available on site?
1. Sunscreen – this is almost a given. If you are outdoors, you need to protect yourself. Even if the sun is not shining, you can still get very badly burned on an overcast day. Protect your employees especially if they are near the water, as the sun’s rays can reflect off of the water and still cause a pretty significant burn.
2. Lip Balm – Chapped lips are never fun; no matter what time of the year. Having easy to use, single use packets ready and available in a first aid kit is incredibly important. Nothing is worse than having chapped lips for 8-10 hours and not being able to do anything about it. Try
3. Antibiotic Ointments – Whether you choose to stock triple antibiotic ointment or single (because of the fear of allergies) you should always have this on hand in case of a minor injury such as cuts, scrapes, or burns.
4. Antiseptic Spray – Fight off infection in minor cuts, scrapes and abrasions with this spray. The last thing that you need to worry about when administering first aid is the worry of the injury getting worse because you do not have an antiseptic on hand.
5. Sting Relief – When your staff is working outdoors, there is a high probability that someone could get stung on the job. If this does happen, be prepared with sting relief. This product also provides some temporary relief from pain and itching after a bite or sting occurs.
Some other warm weather tips to have your staff follow during the hot summer months is to wear lighter clothing than in the winter. Remember to have plenty of water on hand for your staff to maintain fluid intake. Overheating can result in heat exhaustion or heat stroke. These symptoms include excessive thirst, profuse sweating, headache, dizziness or confusion, and nausea.
References: https://www.cdc.gov/features/travel-hot-climates/index.html