Are You prepared for a medical emergency?

07/09/20 By Dana Szymkowiak

According to the National Safety Council, every 7 seconds, a workplace injury occurs. Is your facility correctly prepared to handle a workplace injury? Do you have a first aid kit? If so, do your employees know where it’s located? How can Safetec help you prepare and respond?

Let’s start with the first question.

Is your facility properly prepared to handle a workplace injury?

Workplace Fall

Even if your answer to this question is “yes,” think about the last time you or your company has reevaluated your first aid needs.

Perhaps your company has grown in the number of employees or moved to a larger facility.

  • If that is the case, you may require additional first aid kits or expand on the suite of supplies you keep on hand.
  • Operations or employers need to consider how many first aid kits should be required.
  • Have you recently gone through your first aid kit to discard any expired or outdated products? We recommend doing this at least once a year.
  • Ensure someone in the facility knows how and when to use all the items in your first aid kit correctly.
  • Determine if you or someone on your staff should undergo first aid training. If so, that training should be completed every three years.

Do you have a first aid kit?

Having a stocked first aid kit is essential in being prepared for common workplace injuries. OSHA requires that first aid kits be readily available and must correspond to the hazards that could reasonably occur. To start, you should evaluate the potential work-related hazards for your industry.

Risk Assessment_First Aid

Below are some best practices

  • Conduct a risk assessment and design a first aid kit specific to your worksite for the facility.
  • Put policies and procedures in writing and distribute them to all employees.
  • Consider first aid training.
  • Supplies should reflect the types of injuries that could occur.
  • Store supplies in an area that is easily accessible in an emergency.
  • Be sure all employees know where and how to access it.

That brings us to the third question.

Do your employees know where to locate the first aid kit?

Knowing how and where to access your company’s first aid kit is just as important as having one.

In an emergency, your employees shouldn’t have to think long and hard about where the supplies are.

Furthermore, they shouldn’t have to walk through multiple doors or hallways to get to it.

  • Dedicate an area or areas that are the quickest for employees to access.
  • Consider a kit that can be kept in a vehicle for those who drive company vehicles or work at different job sites.
  • Keep away from extreme heat or cold, such as a heating vent.

Now that we have our best practices and guidelines down, you may be wondering where to begin. Don’t worry. We’re about to cover that too.

How can Safetec help?

Safetec of America has been a trusted USA made brand for over 28 years! Not only can Safetec provide you with first aid and infection control products, but we can also help keep you compliant.

Safetec has a diverse line of first aid and infection control products to keep you and your facility safe and compliant. From convenient single-use pouches, tubes and sprays to Universal Precaution Compliance kits, we’ve got you covered. Safetec provides everything you need for minor cuts, scrapes, burns and skin protection, while also offering essential items such as lip balm, hand sanitizers and bodily fluid cleanup kits
