Are You Prepared If A Blood Spill Occurs?
Are you prepared if a blood spill occurs? It is a perfectly normal day in the office. Everything seems to be going right. Orders are going out the door on time, there have been no customer complaints in a few weeks and the staff is looking forward to great weather this weekend.
BOOM! Out of nowhere, an accident occurs in the laboratory. There is a blood spill, and you are called to help. Without hesitation, you grab the Universal Precaution Spill Kit from the wall to ensure this spill is cleaned up according to OSHA compliance.
Luckily, the lab tech will be just fine and will be back at work in just a few days.
You did notice, however, that while you were cleaning up the blood spill in the lab, that you had a small audience. Some of the looks on their faces were of confusion, and it seemed as though they did not know how to utilize the Universal Precaution Compliance Spill Kit.
This is the perfect opportunity to train or re-train staff members on how to utilize the kit if you are not in the office and something like this happens again. It is better to have several people trained correctly than not.
Be prepared if a blood spill occurs, please feel free to utilize the video below to train anyone on your staff on how this kit should be used.
If you have any questions about our spill kits, call Safetec at 800-456-7077 or contact us through our website by clicking here.