Do You Know What The Costs Are?
If You Fail To Protect Your Workers On The Job?
In 2015 OSHA put together a report that details exactly this. The costs not only affect the workplace, but they affect families, employees and the economy overall. This is a fact: workers earn an average of 15 percent less over 10 years following an injury.
15 percent less. Let those words hang over your head for a few moments. Think about what you could do with a paycheck that is 15 percent more than what you recieve right now. Could you afford to make improvements on your home, go on a vacation, build up a nest egg, or let your kids go to a better college? We bet that all of the above could be possibilities.
Employees are supposed to feel safe at work. There are obvious risks that are unexpected associated with job fields that can be in the line of danger (police, military, etc.) but there are many occupations where risks can be reduced by having the proper safety equipment in place. The “protection from the unexpected” as we like to say.
When a worker is injured on the job, who bears the cost? The majority of the costs for an injury is placed on the employee in out of pocket costs. Workers compensation, the government, and private health insurance may help out a bit as well.
Click here if you are interested in reading the full report from OSHA.