Every Day Is A Good Day To Wash Your Hands

11/06/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

washing hands Believe it or not, handwashing saves lives. Since 2008, Global Handwashing Day has been celebrated annually on October 15 worldwide, encouraging children, teachers, and families to get involved, support a culture of handwashing with soap, and raise awareness about the benefits.

Everyone cleans their hands with water. Few actually use soap to clean their hands. In the United States and most developed countries, soap is a common household product. However, in developing countries, soap is less accessible. Even times when soap is available, it may very well be reserved strictly for laundry and bathing. Handwashing with soap has proven to reduce illness and the rapid spread of germs much more effectively than water alone. In addition to the potential to cut the number individuals who get sick, washing hands with soap are simple and extremely inexpensive. “1.4 million children under the age of 5 years die from diarrheal diseases and pneumonia… Handwashing with soap could prevent about 1 of every 10 episodes of diarrheal diseases and almost 1 out of 6 episodes of respiratory infections like pneumonia.”
Safetec’s SaniWash Antimicrobial Hand Soap is the ideal product for handwashing. SaniWash aids in reducing the risk of cross-contamination while meeting APIC and OSHA handwashing recommendations. The redesigned product is colorless with a mild pleasant fragrance and moisturizing aloe. SaniWash has proven effective against germs and thoroughly cleans dirty hands while remaining gentle on the skin.

Are you washing your hands properly?

Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry

First, wet your hands with clean running water. Turn off the tap and apply soap to hands. Next, lather your hands by rubbing them together with soap. Make sure to lather the fronts, backs, between your fingers, and under your nails. Scrub your hands for 20 full seconds. If no clock is available, simply sing “Happy Birthday” twice over. Then, rinse your hands well under clean, running water. Finally, dry your hands using a clean paper towel or electric air dryer.



Why is handwashing so important?

Germs and chemicals from unwashed hands can get into our foods and drinks when they’re being prepared or when we are eating or drinking them. Additionally, germs and chemicals from unwashed hands can be transferred objects, such as cell phones, tabletops, and toys, and later transferred to other people’s hands. Regular hand washing will allow you to stay healthy and help keep those around you healthy. Though Global Handwashing Day only lasts 24 hours every year, it is essential to remember handwashing is important every day in fighting the spread of germs and harsh chemicals that contribute to illness.