Cold and Flu

06/28/17 By Jordan Weinstein

Prepare For Norovirus With These Steps

Norovirus is a group of viruses that are brought on when the food we eat or surfaces we touch are contaminated, lasting for about 1-3 days. Currently, there are six recognized norovirus genogroups. Three of…
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04/28/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

4 Ways To Spring Clean Your Health

You may believe that winter is the season where most people come down with a bug. It is not like once the winter breeze leaves, so do the germs. We have the ability to get…
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04/06/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

CDC Study Finds Flu Vaccine Saves Children’s Lives – CDC Press Release

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03/27/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

Can A Weather Change Make You Sick?

Temperatures change and fluctuate day by day. On Monday it may be frigidly cold, on Thursday you could be out wearing just a t-shirt and jeans; the following Monday the weather may cycle back to…
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03/13/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

Hands On Approach To Flu Control

Your own two hands are the first line of defense when trying to avoid the flu virus for six months of the year. The flu can so easily maneuver its way from one surface to…
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03/02/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

5 Flu Fighters: Whitepaper

Do you know how you should be fighting the flu? If not, meet the 5 Flu Fighters.
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02/23/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

5 Flu Treatment Myths

It may be too late for you. Your fever is setting in, there are tissues all over the room, and even the dog will not lay by your side. That’s right; you’ve got THE FLU.
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02/21/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

2 Cut And Dry Ways To Tell If You Have A Cold Or The Flu

Does this conversation sound familiar?
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02/13/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

Everyday Preventive Actions to Prevent Catching (and Spreading) Colds and the Flu

 Is your office a fairly quiet environment? You may have some soft pop/rock hits from the 90s and today playing over the radio as some background noise. But what cuts through the noise better than…
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02/09/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

Norovirus: 6 Things You May Not Know

If you haven’t heard yet there are 6 more weeks of winter headed our way (thanks, Punxsutawney Phil for your prediction!) Some of you may live in an area where the worst of winter is…
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01/24/17 By Dana Szymkowiak

How Far Can Germs Spread From A Sneeze Or A Cough?

Picture this: you are sitting down at your desk at work. You hear a sneeze sneak out from your co-worker a few desks over, followed by an eruption of “bless you’s” and that one guy…
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11/29/16 By Dana Szymkowiak

How It Looks During The Holidays When You Have The Flu

The holidays are supposed to be the best time of the year. You get to see your cousins, friends from out of town, and there are sooo many cookies, turkeys, and pies to enjoy. Did…
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