Did you know that cleaning is an investment?

10/04/16 By Dana Szymkowiak

It is an investment into your employee’s health

Sometimes you have to think about the numbers; well all the time if you are a business owner. You allot your employees sick time and personal days to use each year. But when your employees are sick and they have to take off work, it does cost you money in production dollars.

At many companies the average employee uses 7.7 sick days per year. That costs $225.8 BILLION per year. Think about all of that money that you could be saving, or all of the product that you could be producing. If you really think of it, an employee could not be performing at their peak after they take a day or two off if they are still recovering from getting sick at work.

What You Can Do

It all starts with you. Putting together the initiative to promote employee wellness in your facility. There are many common areas that are touched by many hands throughout the day that could benefit from a simple, regular cleaning. Some of the most common surfaces with lots of germs include computer mice, keyboards (self-reminder to clean my own this after this post), desk phones, break room sink handles, microwave door handles, refrigerator door handles, water fountain buttons, and vending machine buttons. How many of these items have you touched today? What about in the last week? And you haven’t gotten sick yet, it’s a miracle!

The Savings

Seriously, think about it! If you employees aren’t sick there is money to be saved, productivity to be increased! According to ISSA’s infographic below there is a 2-8% productivity gain and in a 100-associate office with an average salary of $25k this equates to $125k savings. If your average salary is higher than this, multiply this number by double!

Where Safetec Can Help

We offer products that are devoted to the infection control industry that can help keep your office cleaner and healthier. You can start with our line of hand sanitizer. It is small enough to keep one at each person’s desk, on the lunch room tables and in the bathroom. From there you will need something to wipe down the phones, keyboards and lunch room tables. Our p.a.w.s.® Antimichrobial Hand Wipes are perfect for this. They will kill 99.99% of germs and viruses*

Contact Safetec of America, where all of our products are manufactured in America to learn more about our products and how we can help your facility from getting sick during flu season, or any other time of the year.

The Value of Clean

*Results of in vitro time kill test studies

Source: https://www.issa.com/member-benefits/value-of-clean/video-value-of-clean-infographic.html#.V9rGVSErKM8